How to distinguish the quality of home decoration stone?


More and more people will choose home decoration stone to decorate when they decorate. Home-made stone with natural color is placed at home, adding a natural feeling. What kind of stone is used in home decoration? Let's go to the home and learn about some home decoration stone knowledge.

A view: visual observation of the surface structure of the stone

The quality of the stone can be distinguished by the naked eye. The surface of the good stone is fine and smooth, and the surface of the stone with poor quality is rough and uneven, and the surface is in a granular combination. In addition, the edge of the stone should be carefully observed, whether there are gaps, fine cracks, etc., have a significant impact on future use.

Two quantity: the size specification of the amount of stone

Before buying stone, we must first measure the size of the decoration, and then we must also measure the stone when buying the stone. We must buy the appropriate size to avoid the need for splicing of the subsequent stone, which greatly affects the appearance.

Three listening: listening to the stone's percussion sound

Generally, the sound of a good stone is very crisp. The reason is that the inner texture of the stone is uniform and free of cracks. On the contrary, the sound of the stone with poor quality is quite rough, because the texture is uneven and there is a possibility of cracks inside.

Four tests: use simple test methods to check the quality of stone

Ink drip infiltration is a very common method for testing the quality of stone. A small drop of ink is dropped on the back of the stone. If it is deep inside the stone, it means that the stone material is not fine, it is a stone of poor quality. On the contrary, if it can not penetrate, it is said to be stone. Good quality.


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